Phast Foundation 501(c)3

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11% of $500,000 goal


No Mountains...No Problem! We are doing something that has only been done a few times in the entire world...Building an indoor mountain bike park!  And we are doing it for our kids and active adults in our beloved Mid-west. 

Winters can be hard here, and options for activities few,  especially for the kiddos, but we want to change that. To accomplish our goal we are teaming up with WORLD LEADERS in Mountain Biking, Trail building, and most importantly partnering up with the first and best to ever do it, Ray Petro, who started the Worlds First Indoor Mountain Bike Park, in Cleveland Ohio, called Ray's Indoor MTB Park. 

We are taking him and his team's expetise and smashing it with The PHAST Foundation's goal to always be striving to promote heath and service together. 

Anybody and everybody who wants to ride here can do so by paying with kind acts. Here, we belive that Kindness Is Currency. We not only want to improve the culture of an active lifestyle in our area, but even more importantly, we want to focus on the critical need of giving back to our communities. You SERVE. You RIDE. It's that easy. This model removes any finacial roadblocks to any child that might not normally be able to particiapte. Charity to others is always free, and your kindesswill get you on our ramps and kickers for the same price. 

We have the building, we have the team, and now we are seeking financial help to make it happen. It is not a cooincidence that this has only been done a limited number of times in the world. It is an incredibly wonderful challenge, but a challenge in its truest form. And it will take a solid financial base, to ensure that it remains in our community beyond the extent of anybody reading this's lives. 

We know this will change the lives of our riders, and those they serve.   

Thank you for anything that you can do in helping us in making a generational effect in the lives of the kids in OUR community. 


Dr. Darin Thomas

PHAST Foundation President

Organized by Phast Foundation 501(c)3