As a community, PLACE is deeply committed to a decolonized vision of community and connection to one another and our planet. We work to center those most impacted by colonial and capitalistic marginalization to realize this vision for justice and equity.
We see that amidst all of our critical movement building, there is a need for deeper work towards collective liberation. We strive to create an open and honest environment that actively confronts the state of our unstable economic, environmental, and political climate.
We believe that authentic relationships between diverse groups of people comes from the hard work of trust building. It is crucial to our work at PLACE to have many perspectives present in our community. We are committed to embracing the tough conversations that are necessary in order to grow as individuals and as a collective.
We are passionate about growing and sharing food and plant medicines, cultivating common spaces, uplifting art, music, culture, and ancestral knowledge, and upholding values of justice and cooperation.