9th Annual Philly Women's Theatre Festival

FOLKSLORE: Breaking the Binary

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9th Annual Philly Women's Theatre Festival: FOLKSLORE, Breaking the Binary

Thu, Aug 3 8:00 PM – Sun, Aug 6 8:00 PM EDT

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The 2023 Philadelphia Women’s Theatre Festival will joyfully disrupt society by breaking the binary. Folklore makes space for folks to choose their own happy ending! We’re celebrating the playful, colorful and beautiful gender spectrum of our world. By looking beyond the traditional narrative of womanhood, the 2023 festival aims to expand our view and change the story. Let’s make magic breaking free of the cultural boxes that bind us and discover the intersections of our colorful world! SCHEDULE: Thursday, August 3rd, 8:00pm "SCRIBE, or The Sisters Milton, or Elegy for the Unwritten" by L M Feldman For a moment: let’s set aside what got erased from history, and take a hard look at what never got written. With humor, eloquence, and high theatricality, this new play set during 17th-century England’s social volatility—and ours, too, now—tells the story of three children growing up in the shadow of the canon, of society, and of its cultural and historical legacies. Friday, August 4th, 8:00pm "Unfair Advantage" by Tyler Rocio Ecoña When Mia Jonas became the first trans girl on a woman’s collegiate swim team, she expected backlash. What she didn’t expect was for participation guidelines to change after every race she won. But when the rules backfire on other participants, it begs the question: what does a “real woman” actually entail? Saturday, August, 5th, 8:00pm "Skinny Legend" by Liv Shoup Katy is a big, beautiful fat liberation and body positivity influencer. When her “traditionally handsome” fiance Theo takes her to his hometown in Malibu, their lifestyles clash as Katy faces his old friends – the former cool kids and current pyramid scheme girlies. Theo’s former best friend, Caitlin, tries to push Katy into her pyramid scheme: a fake weight loss program. Katy rejects her, so Caitlin and her friends plot to make Katy’s life miserable – miserable enough that she will leave Theo. As Katy reckons with her reality as a plus size woman, she learns that Caitlin’s friends, though skinny and traditionally beautiful, have all struggled with body issues as well. Katy becomes determined to use her social media platform and take down Caitlin’s harmful scam, while showing the world that the politics of body image go far beyond fat versus skinny. Sunday, August 6th, 6pm "MASC." by Ang Bey A presentation of selected scenes, followed by an interview and discussion with the playwright! Tasha Field’s dad is dying, but she’s not calling home. Tasha’s also not coming-out– that would be too much. So, Tasha Fields is a Black woman. If Tasha were a man, Tyler would be a fag, then lose his scholarship. If Tasha were a man, Em would be her date to Cafe Nia, then they’d get married. If Tasha were a man, Dr. Adebayo would forgo tenure, then Africana Studies at Ovis College dies. So, Tasha can’t be Rayne. She just can’t. But for the first time ever, Tasha tried to end her life. So, something’s gotta give. MASC. is a self-love story– radical in joy, honesty, and pain. MASC. asks everyone to hold everything, all the time, with care– because our lives depend on it. TICKETS: Individual tickets are $20. Student/industry codes available for $10 tickets. Get a FESTIVAL PASS and save! For just $64 you can reserve a seat for all four shows! SPECIAL CHILDREN’S SHOW PRESENTATION ON SUNDAY AUGUST 6th AT 1PM! Join us for a special theater for all ages event! Produced by the Philly Children's Theatre and Obviously Theatre, we bring you "RONNIE: THE MUSICAL." Tickets for “Ronnie” are pay what you decide. Read more details and reserve your tickets here: https://givebutter.com/PWTFPCT Any questions about the festival, email [email protected].

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