The Pacific Heritage Academy Story

In the spring of 2009, three mothers began working on the idea from their kitchen tables, meeting at parks where their children (16 all together) could play while they planned, and joining in late-night work meetings and phone conferences. They began to develop the idea which they captured in the saying by an unknown author: “There are two lasting bequeaths we can give to our children, one is Roots and the other is Wings.” After much research, resources were found, ideas continued to grow, plans were made and a detailed proposal was given to the Utah State Office of Education.

After a denial in 2009, and then another attempt and another proposal, the State approved Pacific Heritage Academy in November of 2010 and authorized the charter school in April of 2011. Others have supported and assisted along the way through 2010 and 2011 as board members, resource specialists, volunteers, committee members and cheerleaders. It has been a long and very challenging journey. But the vision was taking form and becoming a reality.

2012 was our year! In April, we celebrated the ground-breaking of our new facility. Our staff was hired and trained in May, June and July. After details were put in place and our facility was constructed, we held a grand opening celebration and open house in August. Finally, in September, children, families, and community members came through the doors seeking learning experience to enrich their homes and lives, unify them as friends and community, and prepare them for learning that would continue through a lifetime.

The charter for Pacific Heritage Academy is a living, evolving document. The Board of Trustees for Pacific Heritage Schools, under the guidance of the Utah State Charter School Board (USBE) is accountable for and regularly reviews the mission and vision, policies, plans and structures of the school and is obligated to articulate the growing changing needs of the school for the best interest of its students and to accomplish its goals.

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Pacific Heritage Academy

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 26-4533648

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