PET Hero Award

Animal Welfare Efforts Recognition Awards

Individuals ~~~ Businesses ~~~ Organizations

Recognizing those who give of themselves to improve the lives of pets everywhere!


The PET Hero Award recognizes individuals, businesses and organizations for their efforts to promote animal welfare. The PET Hero Award could let someone feel that their work is valued. It shows gratitude for their efforts in saving pets lives!  We believe many animal workers are not recognized enough for their efforts.


A minimum $100 fundraiser campaign to award a pet hero.  All additional donated funds get shared with supporting local animal welfare groups. The PET portion provides for pet rehoming and to promote pet planning nationwide, allowing the PET to send information and materials to veterinarian offices, animal organizations and pet owners. PET office staff receive no compensation. 


Organized by PET Endowment Trust
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 88-2062739
[email protected]