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172% of $13,000 goal

Play Your Part!

To us, theatre is all about connection. Theatre offers us a moment to pause, put down our phones, and sit with our shared humanity. It allows us to escape from the problems of our own realities and relate to each other in ways that often get lost in our busy lives.

At Transport Group, we place focus on stories that explore the endless definitions of an “American identity”– stories that deepen our shared capacity for empathy and understanding in a world where many are fighting simply for their existence to be acknowledged. Through our work, we don’t just acknowledge these voices, we celebrate and amplify them by placing them front and center!

Our goal is to raise $10,000 by the end of the calendar year. Every dollar of this campaign will go toward supporting projects like On Set with Theda Bara by Joey Merlo, which allows the identities of a young queer generation to be in conversation with those who paved the way before them, and The Sea and the Stars, a new commission in progress by Harrison David Rivers (Broadbend, Arkansas).

If you believe in the power of theatre, the power of Transport Group, please play your part and give today! Any amount, be it $5 or $500 or more, gets us one step closer to securing the place of diverse voices and identities in the New York theatre canon.


Organized by Transport Group Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 41-2063324
[email protected]