Newport Heights PTA

$ -

28% of $50,000 goal

NHE Envelope Drive!


How are we fundraising for Newport Heights this year?

We are setting a focused period of 2 weeks where we’re trying to activate donations to Newport Heights Elementary (NHE) that aligns with many Corporate Giving initiatives. These funds are crucial to providing free field trips, free author visits, school equipment, curriculum/classroom materials, family events, teacher grants, and much, much more.

By just turning your donation envelope into the Envelope Drop or to your teacher by Oct 14th, you’ll help your class earn a prize!


  • Every student receives an NHE Water Bottle upon turning in their water bottle! We will ensure that every student has the opportunity to get their envelope turned in, regardless of financial situation :)

  • The first classroom in each grade to get all their envelopes turned in wins a prize!

  • The first GRADE to get them all turned in receives ANOTHER prize!

  • In addition, we’ve put up some School-Wide Incentives:

    • If we reach $35K by Oct 14th, we’ll have an Interactive Science Magic Show come perform for our kiddos!

    • If we reach $50k by Oct 14th, BMX stunt bikers will come put on a show for us in the spring!

In Bellevue School District, budget shortfalls are overcome with levies, grants, and local fundraising. Newport Heights PTA provides thousands of dollars annually to support NHE students, families and staff.  

We have talented teachers who rely on these funds to maintain the educational programs, in addition to our Pacific Program for those with Special Needs, and the first ever Korean Dual Language program in the state of Washington!

Every dollar counts --  please return your envelopes by October 14th!

THANK YOU for supporting Newport Heights Elementary and making a difference in your student's school experience.

Organized by Newport Heights PTA