Healing Traditions

$ -

35% of $30,000 goal

Support Kristine and Josh

Support Kristine and Josh during Kristine's recovery.


Elizabeth Berthold created this awesome crowdfunding page. If every one of Josh & Kristine's friends/family shares this link on ALL THEIR SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS and EMAILS, it will make a HUGE difference. 


Let's share this link 2x a time every week until the goal is reached. 





Josh and Kristine House have been together for 20+ years, and in that time--their family has grown with the addition of two beautiful children, Charlie and Claire.


Josh has been teaching at Cypress College since 2016, while Kristine worked as the Dean of another college. Earlier this year, Kristine became ill, which resulted in the loss of her job and the ability to care for herself, the children, or the household. Kristine just became responsive after several days in ICU, is currently on dialysis 3 times a week, and many of her organs are still failing.  


Most of the House income and energy has gone toward keeping Kristine healthy, and the struggle is ongoing. This has resulted in the massive loss of funds and a struggle to afford basic needs: rent, groceries, and the kids' growing list of necessities.


It has taken a while for Josh to admit the need for help, and in that time--he has worked on finding a new place to live, selling a vehicle, and scraping by in order to make ends meet. But now he has come to terms with the fact that Kristine's illness is going to take some time, and that helping her and the House family heal will take a village.


Please take a moment to consider helping this family and to share their story with others.

Organized by Healing Traditions