Rotary Centennial Disc Golf Course

Fall 2022 marks the centennial year of the formation of the Rotary Club of Indianola. The club annually leads the parking of cars at the National Balloon Classic, using those funds to periodically build new community amenities such as the gazebo at Buxton Park, the Summerset Trailhead Shelter, and the All-Inclusive Playground at Pickard Park.

To celebrate its 100th anniversary, the club is a lead sponsor of a new disc golf course to be located at McCord Park on existing timber land that is not being utilized to its fullest potential today. Additional park amenities such as trees, benches, and trash dispensers will be located along wood mulch trails throughout the course, which will provide additional neighborhood park access.

The front 9 is being designed for beginning players to learn basic skills, with the back 9 introducing timber challenges at an intermediate level to help players develop their skills. Players then advance to the competition-level course at Pickard Park, and thus Indianola becomes a metro-area destination attraction for this growing sport.

Rotarians and area disc golf enthusiasts are clearing brush, pouring the concrete, and putting together benches this summer, with a ribbon cutting planned for mid-August 2022 during the international event being held at Pickard Park.

Indianola Parks Friends recognizes the community benefits this park expansion brings and is contributing $5,000 to its opening. The Indianola Community Foundation is also contributing $5,000 from its Duckworth Family Endowment earnings. The Rotary Club of Indianola has designated local match from its two 2021 parking fundraisers to apply for a Rotary District 6000 grant, which combined will pay for $10,000 of the project.

This leaves approximately $10,000 to raise from club and community members that share this vision for Indianola. We encourage tributes to current and past Rotarians to honor their years of service this past century, as well as Park Friends members and other service groups that have made Indianola the community it is today.

There will be an entrance sign with a course layout map, where major contributors will also be recognized. There will signs at each tee box recognizing group and individual contributors (18 in total).

Organized by Rotary Club of Indianola