David Currier, alumnus class of 97, is planning a work bee for February 5-9, 2024 to complete a handful of low-complexity, high-impact upgrades that will improve day-to-day life on the campus. For instance, replacing a 30-year old toilet is a relatively simple, inexpensive task, but will make people happier dozens of times each day.
David says, "I'm planning to focus on bathrooms in the main campus buildings, but there are materials already collected for the boys dorm and lots of work to be done to upgrade the rooms. So if we get plenty of skilled volunteers, this could be part of the project also."
Thank you for giving to this project, and if you would like to volunteer, please contact David at (765) 610-3495.
Organized by Oklahoma Academy
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 93-6042986
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