Lumen Animae Studios

$ -

7% of $10,050 goal


Starting February 2022 animation directors Masha Vasilkovsky and Ruah Edelstein (Lumen Animae Studios Los Angeles) began collaborating with humanitarians Richard and Sylivia Seruwagi dedicated to the wellbeing of their community in the slums of Jinja City, Uganda. The couple takes care of 28 vulnerable neighborhood children, ages 5-19. Richard is a master musician, choreographer, choir conductor and educator. The children form the group ROOTS that regularly performs at public events.

February 2022 we begun three-hour-long weekly zoom sessions with ROOTS children. A dedicated team of US-based professionals has formed around the project focused on humanistic education. Together we have a child psychologist, theater director, choreographer, musician, ecologist, and a humanitarian worker.

Our fundraising goal is to complete building the community center that would be a cultural hub and a safe space for disadvantaged children in the slums of Jinja City, Uganda. It is being built on the land owned by ROOTS (Seruwagi family). We are fundraising for the last $10,050 to complete the construction. Below is the cost breakdown.

Iron sheets $1,000

Timber $500 for roofing

Nails $150

Lifting net straps $200

Septic $1,250

3 doors and 6 windows $1,300

20 bags of cement $250

Sand and plaster for the floor $550

Solar system $1,000

Labor $1,000

Water system $1,300 (the main pipe is far way from the house)

Transport of materials $500

Electricity poles $350 x 3 = $1,050

--TOTAL $10,050

Please leave us your cell phone number so that we could send you a personalized 'thank you' gift for your donation:

$18 to $108 – a 'thank you' note signed by the children sent digitally.

$109 to $522 – a video with a thank you song.

$523 and up – a video with a traditional Ugandan dance performed for you.

Organized by Lumen Animae Studios