Sponsor a Unity Farm Sanctuary Rescue Animal

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Organized by Unity Farm Sanctuary


104 Supporters

41% of $24,000 goal

Lydia Goat

Fundraiser since Dec 2023

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1 supporter

5% of $500 goal

Lydia Goat's Story

Lydia has the cutest topknot on her head - very fashionable! She is very elegant, with a lovely long silky black coat. She is so dark, it is sometimes hard to spot her at night. 

She is still shy with the volunteers but happily does not seem to be afraid of us. Sometimes she works as a team with Jaina to push the sheep around! Oh girls! Be nice to the sheep!

Your donation allows Lydia to live a carefree life with a filled belly and happy heart!

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Be A Rescuer Donor


104 Supporters

41% of $24,000 goal

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Unity Farm Sanctuary

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 81-4984951

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