Stoked on Life Palm Beach Corp

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1st Anniversary and Help Fund the Cause

Celebrate Our 1st Anniversary and Help Fund the Cause – September 19th! Join us in celebrating the first anniversary of Stoked on Life Palm Beach and supporting our mission to provide, promote, and research ocean and surf therapy as an experiential intervention for individuals struggling with mental health and substance use issues. Our distinctive approach involves surf and ocean therapy programs led by licensed mental health professionals and expert aqua c instructors. 

Stoked on Life’s Ocean & Surf therapy curriculum is an evidence-based experiential therapy with profound benefits. This unique intervention harnesses the power of the ocean, blue mind theory, and mindfulness, coupled with the thrill of surfing, to significantly impact individuals' physical and mental well-being. The benefits are numerous, including increased mindfulness, enhanced self-efficacy, activation of the “flow” state leading to increased empathy and creativity, and reduction of cravings, anxiety, depression, PTSD, insomnia, and improved cognition. 

We currently serve treatment centers and first responders, offering 90-minute beach sessions that include both land-based clinical therapy and experiential therapy in the ocean. Each session is supported by a dedicated team of professionals and volunteers, ensuring safety and maximum therapeutic impact.

Support Our Mission: Your contribution is more than just a donation—it's a vital investment in our community. Help us continue to provide the training, resources, and supervision needed for our trauma-informed surf therapy providers and instructors. Together, we can make a lasting difference.

Fund the Cause and be part of the wave of change!

Organized by Stoked on Life Palm Beach Corp