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108% of $2,500 goal

Rosco - HeartsRGolden Fund

Rosco is a sweet 6-month-old guy who was picked up by animal control after being found wandering around. No one came for him, and it wasn’t looking like anyone would. Once we got wind of him needing rescue ASAP, GRRA stepped in to pull this guy from certain death.

Once at the vet, it was pretty evident he wasn’t well. He was immediately diagnosed with Parvo within 24hrs of arriving. He’s now turned the corner from that nasty (and a lot of times deadly) virus only to be diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. We thought he was getting better and were hoping to get him into a foster or adopters home…. Only to find out he spiked a fever and started coughing and feeling crummy again. X-rays were done and confirmed he had pneumonia. Likely aspiration pneumonia from the vomiting during his battle with Parvo. Although new meds have been started, he’s not getting better as fast as the doctors would like. So, they’re now throwing around the possibility of a fungal infection and more testing to confirm what’s going on

One thing about GRRA, we pull out all the stops to help our pups. So, as you can imagine the vet bills are racking up, and fast for little Rosco. Would you be willing to help Rosco get better? He’s such a young guy with his whole life ahead of him. Just waiting to be healthy enough to leave the vet and find his forever home. If you are able, we would greatly appreciate donations to help offset Rosco’s (quickly rising) vet bills.

Rosco says please and thank you!


501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 58-2186090
[email protected]