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46% of $5,000 goal

RoseyLeigh - HeartsRGolden Fund

Rosey Leigh was pulled from a local shelter this week and is in pretty rough shape. She is a senior (they are aging her between at least 12-13yrs old) with a petite frame weighing a slim 32lbs (and could definitely gain a few), she is missing large patches of hair, nails so long they’re curling to the side, stumbles a bit when she walks.  Official report from the vet today, she is THANKFULLY heartworm negative, but she has a whole host of other things we are working through medically.  She is anemic, has low iron, pneumonia, severe ear infections, her spine has disc compression, healed fractured jaw, bad teeth...  This girl has got a long road ahead of her, but GRRA is committed to helping her have the absolute best for whatever time she has left.  Despite all of these medical issues going on, she has been an absolute sweetheart through all the testing, poking, prodding, and treatments.  She has such a great disposition and seems to truly be thankful for all the care she is receiving.  Please help us care for this sweet senior girl by donating to her medical care.
We know we have been asking a lot lately, but there is no way we could let this girl die in the shelter, she was high on the euthanasia list due to age and medical condition.  Please help us care for her and others by donating.

501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 58-2186090
[email protected]