WI Am Center the Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center USA Inc

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44% of $2,500 goal

Capital Campaign for Multi-Purpose Space

As a reminder, the Wi’am Center is a grass-roots organization, founded in 1994 by Zoughbi Zoughbi, to provide conflict transformation, restorative justice, and mediation. In addition, it offers peacebuilding, sustainable development, empowerment, and hope for the at-large community, as well as a holistic approach that includes training and dialogue sessions, job-creation and inter-generational interactions, and women, children, and youth activities.

Due to the overwhelming success of the programs, the center no longer has the physical space to accommodate the increasing number of beneficiaries. A larger meeting hall is essential. Your donation will be matched up to $2,500. Thus, when you donate now, your giving is doubled.

Thank you for your generous support! Wi'am's work continues thanks to you!


Organized by WI Am Center the Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center USA Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 27-2528587