Nurse Freedom Network

$ -

103% of $5,000 goal

Holiday of Hope

As these vaccine mandates continue to crush American workers and their families, we want to step up and provide some assistance and a small glimmer of HOPE in these uncertain times.

We are raising funds to provide holiday meals, toys, and gift cards for some of these families that have been directly affected.

The number of families we can assist will depend upon the response we receive from all of you in the community, but we are beginning with a small goal of assisting 4 families and will go from there.

All proceeds will be directed to the purchase of Christmas gifts and Holiday meals for families with children who will be losing their primary source of income right before the holidays due to vaccine mandates.

If you know of a family in need, please let us know.  The only criteria is that the families must include at least one child, and they had to have lost their primary source of income as a direct result of refusal to comply with the vaccine mandates. They do not necessarily need to ne nurses or healthcare workers. You can email this information to us. We will not disclose information about these families without their consent to share their stories.

Please email us to learn more about how you can get involved in helping to restore JOY for these families this Christmas season.

[email protected]

Thank you all so much for your continued support. 


Organized by Nurse Freedom Network
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 87-3394295
[email protected]