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103% of $8,100 goal

The Shelter 12 More Challenge

The Solidarity Sleepout is over but we're making one final push to meet a big goal - the Shelter 12 More Challenge!!
Through the Sleepout, you helped us raise over $47,000, enough to shelter 70 people - absolutely incredible! But by raising $8,100 more by Monday, June 17th, we'll be able to shelter 12 more people without homes AND receive TWO generous match gifts, quadrupling the impact of your donation! This 4 to 1 match means that your gift will support not just one person, but FIVE!!!
Over the next week, we need your help to ensure these final 12 people without homes get the shelter they so desperately need.

Will you donate today? 
The average stay for one guest costs $675. To meet our goal, we only need 12 of these gifts, one for each person we're hoping to help. Every gift matters, so if that gift isn't quite the right size, there are many other ways to contribute:

- $15 provides a night at the shelter
- $105 provides a week
- $210 provides two weeks
- $450 provides a month
- And if you want to go BIG, $4,200 sponsors the entire shelter (every guest) for a week!
Gifts can be made by credit card above or by check with "Solidarity Sleepout" written in the memo, please mail checks to:
Beacon Inc.
P.O. Box 451
Bloomington, IN 47402

All the funding will provide shelter for people without homes through Friend's Place, the only year-round, secular shelter for adults experiencing homelessness in our region and the ONLY year-round emergency shelter for women in Monroe County. Friend's Place shelters 40 women, men, and gender nonbinary people each night and over 200 people each year, ensuring they not only get a safe place to stay, but the resources to get back home.


Organized by Beacon, Inc.
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 74-3056968
[email protected]