Shepherd’s Watch Foundation (SWF) is a grassroots organization that was established in 2020 by a team of licensed, private investigators and victim advocates who saw the great need to fight sex trafficking - with a focus on child sex trafficking. Even though our primary focus is identifying & targeting networks involved in sex trafficking - and providing this investigative intelligence to law enforcement - SWF also raises awareness about sex trafficking to the public. We provide prevention education to our communities through presentations to schools/churches/youth groups/community groups and law enforcement. Please contact us to schedule your presentation! SWF also formed NETAAT - the Northeast Texas Alliance Against Trafficking - to bring like-minded organizations, individuals and law enforcement together to fight sex trafficking. SWF is headquartered in the Dallas Area, but we work nation-wide.
Your generous donations help us continue our fight against sex trafficking!
Organized by Shepherds Watch Foundation
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 81-3142631
[email protected]