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0% of $50,000 goal

Silent No More Benefit Concert Sponsorship Opportunities

For too long, women with chronic illnesses, invisible disabilities, and autoimmune disorders have been disrespected.

For too long, these women have had to suffer silently, go it alone, and endure disrespect from the medical community, the hospitality industry, and even family and friends.

For too long, these women have lost their jobs, ended up divorced, and attempted suicide at a much higher rate.

Well, we say today, NO MORE! We are Invisible Warriors, and we will be silent no more! It's time for our voices to be heard.

The "Silent No More" benefit concert is raising funds so Invisible Warriors can do more than just survive - we THRIVE!

We appreciate you so much! Thank you for supporting our benefit concert!

PLEASE NOTE: In order to receive the full amount of your donation, we ask our kind sponsors to cover the costs of the donations, so you will see a small fee added to your donation for that purpose.


Organized by Invisible Warriors
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 88-1560147
[email protected]