The Porky Reade Fund

Our beloved Porky passed away on January 27, 2022, after a struggle with pancreatic cancer. Essential staff member, compassionate friend, and “mother duck” of the FN Program, she worked at UVM for almost 30 years until her retirement in 2019. She was a warm welcome personified, and her office was a cherished refuge from the demands of graduate school. She treasured her friendships with Field Naturalists as we treasured her. We miss her very much.

The Field Naturalist & Ecological Planning Alumni Association is honored to accept contributions to the Lillian “Porky” Reade Memorial Fund. This fund, created in Porky's honor, continues her legacy of caring and generosity by providing direct financial support to Field Naturalist students now and into the future.


Organized by Field Naturalist and Ecological Planning Alumni Association Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 82-1827290