Sponsor your Spirit Pet

We all want to adopt ALL the animals, but the reality is, we simply can't. Maybe you're at capacity already, your current pet doesn't want another pet, your family isn't ready for another addition, you're renting and the lease doesn't allow pets, or your lifestyle just doesn't allow time for proper pet care right now. Whatever the reason, we've all been there.


Sponsoring a pet is the next best option! For $100 per month, be it for one month or for more, we can help find the perfect pet for you to sponsor! Our team will e-mail you a quick questionaire to help find your Spirit Pet! Once you choose your Spirit Pet, we will send pictures and updates twice a month for the duration of your monthly sponsorship! 


Sponsorship fees will help pay for food, supplies, and daily care for each animal sponsored. If a donor sponsors a pet for 6 months or more, Animal Charity of Ohio will waive the adoption fee when a forever family adopts that pet. If we receive the Forever Family's permission, we will forward on a photo of your sponsored pet living their best life in their new home! When your Spirit Pet gets adopted, we can match you with another pet to sponsor if you would like to continue your Spirit Family journey with us! 


501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 34-6557657