We are so grateful for the gifts being given from near and far to support our community! We'd ask everyone choosing to share a message along with their donation to please stay focused on *Unity* being our goal with this fund! Please avoid sharing hate, name calling, political rhetoric and anger on this page. Thank you for your continued support of the Springfield Unity Fund and United Way!
Jacob and 16 others
AnonymousWe are so grateful that you have come to America and appreciate all you have done to contribute to this nation. And I want to apologize for things that have been said by ignorant people. It is disgraceful and I am deeply sorry. That is not how normal people feel about immigrants. With the exception of Native Americans, we all come or have ancestors who came from somewhere else. You belong here too.
5 months ago
Laura Lisle made a $25 donation
17 days ago
Praying for safety and peaceful existence!
Phyllis made a $1,000 donation
about 1 month ago
Thanks for the work you do to support the Haitian population in Clark County!
Marguerite made a $250 donation
about 2 months ago
God bless the unity work in Springfield, OH. Holding your people and your community close at heart.
Anne R, Cincinnati made a $200 donation
about 2 months ago
We stand in solidarity with all residents of Springfield! Hope must conquer fear and hate.
Sarah made a $100 donation
3 months ago
Kathy Mongan made a $25 donation
3 months ago
Welcome to the USA, and Merry Christmas.
I apologize for our embarrassing, hateful President to be.
Anonymous made a $100 donation in honor of Michelle Jacqueline Leighton
3 months ago
Marc Sabo + Luna: we love you + are sorry Michelle left too soon! This donation is in her honor
Thank you for supporting The United Way of Clark Champaign & Madison Counties Ohio Inc!
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