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0% of $100,000 goal

Housing Our Future


The Monica Roberts Resource Center is rooted in the work of Monica's Legacy. We will unapologetically advocate for the rights of the TLGBTQIA+ Community. This organization was started during the pandemic to assist the most vulnerable population, the trans community. Lead by BIPOC trans people this organization has housed, relocated & safely assisted 100's of community members in Houston and abroad. Over the last two years we are participants of the Montrose Center Incubator program to help us facilitate services and programming. 


The Monica Roberts Resource Center provides a safe space with adequate and stable groups, programs, mental health, recreational, & clinical services for the LGBTQ+ community that connects each individuals needs with the resources that supports their personal success regarding their gender identity and sexual orientation life journey.


We are looking for staff & volunteers to help us fundraise as we build this organization. We need all our allies to connect us with funding and access, so we can provide resources to the most vulnerable community. Please consider making a team and help us create a safe space for trans community members to thrive & call home for years to come.


This Pride month we are looking to raise $100,000 for crucial services and programming. $20,000 for transportation & emergency relocation services. $40,000 for staff retention. $30,000 for brick/mortar community space. $10,000 for annual Houston Trans Pride celebration. 

This effort is led by black trans folx giving back to their community and prioritizing the safety of black and brown transwomen.

In solidarity and love,

The Monica Roberts Resource Center


Organized by Monica Roberts Resource Center