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0% of $5,000 goal

Kenya Disaster Response

Because of recent devestation caused by flooding rains, our distribution ally in Kenya, Partners for Care has directed its staff to pause Mobility Cart distribution efforts so that the needs of those affected by the rising waters can be addressed. PFC staff is safe, some will need to be relocated.

PFC founder and president, Connie Cheren has communicated a 4 point plan:

Ensure PFC staff and family are cared for by providing boots raincoats and safe housing.

Provide compassionate relief for those not reached by the international and government relief organizations including Mobility Cart recipients who are unable to leave their homes due to flooding.

Prevent outbreaks of malaria and waterborne illnesses. Distribute 1,000 safe water packs and purifying tablets and 3000 malaria prevention nets. 

Please help our distribution ally in Kenya, Partners for Care.

The President of Kenya has issued the following statement:

"Loss of human life, displacement of people, and destruction of property have been most profound within fragile ecosystems. We are called upon once again to join hands in this critical juncture and support each other until this season passes and afterwards, secure a sustainable future for generations to come."

President William Ruto


Organized by Mobility Worldwide of East Alabama and West Georgia
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 82-3066478
[email protected]