Organized by Colorado Agrivoltaic Learning Center
Agrivoltaics in Colorado: Colorado State University Research at Jack's Solar Garden
Thursday, March 21st, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM MDT
Live Stream
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Agrivoltaics is the co-location of agricultural activities within a solar array whereby the microclimates of the solar panels impact the growth, health, and production of crops and livestock. The Colorado Agrivoltaic Learning Center is providing a series of discussions about agrivoltaics highlighting various professionals engaged in or adjacent to the field of agrivoltaics. We center our discussions on the outlook for agrivoltaics specifically in Colorado, though certain aspects of agrivoltaic designs or operations can be extrapolated to other areas of the country. In this discussion, Colorado State University PhD candidates Christopher Toy, Matt Sturchio and Alex Siggers, will join us to discuss findings from their research at Jack's Solar Garden and talk a little about what they hope to do next! Each of our guests will speak for around 10-15 minutes before we open up for questions from the attendees. Total run time of this webinar will be no more than 90 minutes.