National Association for Athletes' Mental Health

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Us Too

The Us Too Campaign is an annual initiative led by the National Association for Athletes' Mental Health (NAAMH) during Mental Health Awareness Month in May. This campaign is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of mental health within the athletic community, including athletes, coaches, athletic trainers, and support staff. It serves as a platform to address the unique challenges faced by individuals in the sports industry and advocates for improved mental health support systems.
The name "Us Too" encapsulates the shared experiences of athletes who recognize the significance of mental health support in sports. It represents solidarity among those who have either directly encountered mental health challenges or deeply understand the necessity of such support within the sports community. Through the Us Too Campaign, NAAMH aims to amplify the voices of athletes and stakeholders, providing a space for them to share their stories, insights, and experiences related to mental health.
The campaign consists of various events, workshops, seminars, and online resources. NAAMH believes in a holistic approach to addressing mental health issues in athletics, encompassing education, advocacy, and collaboration. By fostering open conversations and breaking down stigmas surrounding mental health, the Us Too Campaign strives to create a culture where athletes feel empowered to seek help and access resources when needed.

Organized by National Association for Athletes' Mental Health
501(c)(3) Private Non-Operating Foundation · EIN 87-1566243