To Jack Maxwell and Howard Lebofsky,
Thank you very much for your wonderful presentation to the Triple Chai group of Society Hill Synagogue on February 2.
Barb Cohan-Saavedra and Adán Saavedra made a $1,000 donation
3 months ago
Proud to support the important work that the Society has done for nearly forty years!
Kevin Reed made a $250 donation
3 months ago
Nelson Downend made a $100 donation
3 months ago
Thank you for the work you do.
George Losoncy made a $100 donation
5 months ago
In honor of the Mycroft Holmes character where I learned the lost art of observation and deduction which is not taught in any school. I have used it for many years. Also syntopical reading the highest form of reading skill also not taught in universities.
$100 made a $100 donation
7 months ago
Thanks to Walter and Vidocq Society members who worked together to bring our website into the 21st century!
I am proud and honored to serve as Commissioner for our Society and I invite you to support our mission through donations and service.
This campaign was created
September 3rd, 2024
David loved this
Veritas Veritatum
Vidocq Society
A 501(c)(3) Public Charity
EIN 23-2662036
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