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6% of $350,000 goal

VPLC's Annual Fund

The Virginia Poverty Law Center (VPLC) is committed to breaking down the systemic barriers that keep low-income Virginians in poverty.


The aftermath of the pandemic continues to bring ongoing instability and fear, especially for the most vulnerable in our community.


Rising rents and unfair landlords are a worry for many households, while a shortage of legal representation leaves many without a voice in the justice system. Expired rental assistance programs have left families facing eviction threats, pushing them towards homelessness. Similarly, the end of extended SNAP benefits has made it hard for families to afford food, rent, and other basics, making their financial struggles worse.


The winding down of pandemic-related Medicaid expansion also threatens the healthcare coverage of many, risking their ability to afford important medical services and medications, especially for those with long-term health issues or disabilities.


Your donation will helps VPLC create self-help resources empowering individuals to understand their legal rights, navigate complex processes, and advocate effectively for themselves. 


Together, we can bridge the gap between justice and injustice, between security and uncertainty.


Your generosity gives hope and makes a real difference in the lives of those who need it most.



Organized by Virginia Poverty Law Center
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 54-1093402
[email protected]