Vehicle Fuel & Maintenance
Our four vehicles are in constant need of fuel and repairs to keep us on the road. The roads we travel are in poor condition and create enormous wear and tear on our vehicles.
UAidDirect delivers medical supplies, including surgical instruments, crutches and wheelchairs to patients all over Ukraine. This vulnerable population simply will not be able receive these desperately needed medical supplies and equipment without your support.
Please keep our trucks on the road so that we can continue to support those who depend on us.
Can you help -- even a little bit?
UAid Direct USA
EIN 99-3335450
Organized by UAid Direct USA Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 99-3335450
[email protected]
Organized by UAid Direct USA Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 99-3335450
[email protected]