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23% of $2,000 goal

Support Vecinos Unidos 2023-2024 school year

Vecinos Unidos (VU) needs your help to raise funds for the 2023-2024 school year. We have been implementing many new improvements to help the children continue to learn, grow, and explore new opportunities--and we are looking for funds to keep these going!

We have 13 students registered in the program, and many more on the waitlist who are eager to join. As a 100% volunteer-run organization, we rely on your help and contributions to keep the program running successfully.

Your donation will provide:

  • Relevant academic materials such as books, worksheets, and learning aids to keep the children engaged and excited to learn
  • School supplies and materials for the children to take home, to reduce some financial pressure that their families face
  • Healthy snacks and milk, to help the students maintain healthy energy levels and remain focused
  • Funds to cover the cost of operating the weekly homework assistance program in Herndon's Neighborhood Resource Center

Thank you for contributing to VU and investing in the future of the children!


Organized by Vecinos Unidos Neighbors United
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 54-1863154