Westminster Presents: The Westminster Chorus LIVE(STREAM!)

streaming LIVE on June 22, 2024 at 6 PM Pacific from Costa Mesa, CA

Buy livestream $10

Campaign Ended

Organized by The Westminster Chorus

Youth Scholarship Fund Breaking News: A generous Westminster founding member will match your donation (up to $5000!)

Livestream purchasers, add a Youth Scholarship fund donation of any amount to your ticket purchase, and a generous Westminster founding member will give it a 2x boost! Thank you Livestream audience!



Westminster Presents: The Westminster Chorus LIVE(STREAM!)

Sat, Jun 22 6:00 PM – Wed, Jun 26 12:00 AM PDT

Live Stream

Details to view the event are private and will be sent along with your ticket purchase.

Dear Livestream-on-demand viewers! Please note that we had some audio issues with the recording: A hot mic backstage at the beginning of the show and some feedback starting at 1:46 and ending at 1:51 (mind your ears; also unfortunately the start of The Ladies' set!) We were remiss in mentioning ahead of time that the Livestream would end BEFORE Westminster performed our contest set for Cleveland. This caused some confusion, disappointment, and dismay with some of our Livestream viewers, for which we apologize sincerely! We simply wished to preserve the contest set for the judges and the audience at International. AFTER the chorus contest is concluded and the results are in, we will do our best to release a recording of the contest set to you, our dear Livestream viewers. We also encourage you to tune in to the BHS Livestream for the Cleveland contest if you'd like to see our set live, not to mention an entire WEEK'S worth of incredible quartets and choruses, our siblings in Harmony! https://www.barbershop.org/livestream "The Westminster Chorus will be performing on June 22, 2024 at 6 PM, STREAMING to you LIVE from Costa Mesa, CA. Under the direction of Dr. Dan Wessler, The Westminster Chorus will perform a host of brand new arrangements on this exciting show, just WEEKS before we hit the stage in Cleveland for the Barbershop Harmony Society's 2024 International Convention. Don't miss our outstanding headliners, 2023 SAI Queens of Harmony, The Ladies! The Ladies are the 2023 SAI International Quartet Champions and are also preparing for the BHS international stage in Cleveland. They are undoubtedly one of the most virtuosic quartets in our artform, combining excellent musicianship with heartfelt performance, and we are so lucky to share the stage with them. We're also proud to feature our very own Top Ten (Top SIX!) quartet, The Newfangled Four! Truly one of the most entertaining quartets in the Barbershop Harmony Society, NFF are known for their sublime singing, infectious energy, and impressive social media following. They are gearing up for a top spot on the international stage in Cleveland where they are a consistent audience favorite. You'll also see performances by several other great quartets from within the chorus. This show will be jam-packed with entertainment. Join us ON THE LIVESTREAM!"


Buy livestream $10

Campaign Ended

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The Westminster Chorus

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 95-6196396

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