The San Antonio Round-Up

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0% of $25,000 goal

Sponsorship- San Antonio Roundup 2024

The sponsorship levels for the San Antonio Round-Up (SARU) are structured as follows:

Bronze Level Sponsorship ($500 - $999):
- Logo placement on event website.
- Acknowledgment in event program.
- Mention in social media posts.
- Special Thanks Sponsor: Verbal acknowledgment during the event, logo on event banners, recognition in press releases.


Silver Level Sponsorship ($1000 - $2499):
- All benefits of Bronze Level, plus:
- Larger logo placement on event materials.
- Opportunity to provide promotional materials at the event.
- Event Partner: Featured recognition in event press releases, logo on event signage, booth space or table at the event.


Gold Level Sponsorship ($2500 - $4999):
- All benefits of Silver Level, plus:
- Prime logo placement on event materials.
- Opportunity to introduce a keynote speaker or event segment.
- Exclusive Sponsor: Exclusive recognition in event advertising, dedicated promotional email to event attendees, customized sponsorship package.


Platinum Level Sponsorship ($5000 - $9999):
- All benefits of Gold Level, plus:
- Recognition as a top sponsor in all event communications.
- Priority logo placement on all event materials.
- Complimentary event tickets or VIP seating.
- Title Sponsor: Name inclusion in the event title, exclusive rights to prominent event branding, customized benefits tailored to marketing goals.


Diamond Level Sponsorship ($10,000 and above):
- All benefits of Platinum Level, plus:
- Exclusive recognition as the premier sponsor of the event.
- Customized marketing opportunities tailored to company objectives.
- VIP experiences and invitations to private donor events.
- Lead Sponsor: Top billing in all event promotions and materials, premier logo placement on all event signage and materials, exclusive speaking opportunities and media coverage.



Organized by The San Antonio Round-Up
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 06-1799051