Khenmo La Meditation Monday

Khenmo Konchog Dolkar is a renowned scholar of the Drikung Kagyu lineage and was His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche's top choice for teaching our sangha. Please join us for this very special opportunity to support female nuns in sharing their wisdom in the world. We invite you to practice generosity this Monday and make a heart offering to Khenmo La if you are able. We want to encourage her path as a teacher and be sure she has all she needs in her daily life at the monastery to continue spreading the Buddha Dharma.

We would also like to offer a heart contribution to Adam for translating from Tibetan! It takes many many years to learn Tibetan and we are so grateful for his time to make these teachings available to us.

If you would like a certain amount to go to Khenmo and a certain amount to Adam please make a note when you donate. Thank you!

Organized by Lama Dorje Foundation
[email protected]