South Philadelphia Shtiebel

Shtiebeler End-of-Year Contribution

Dear Shtiebel Family, 

Throughout this complex and challenging time of navigating Jewish life, many have come to the Shtiebel looking for a deeper connection to meaningful Jewish learning and community. This has meant new faces and lots of energy, and we are thrilled that so many are calling Shtiebel home. This growth has come with increased needs, including space, nourishment, and security costs to keep us all cared for and safe.

Whether you come once a month or 5 times a week, we’re asking everyone who calls the Shtiebel home to make a one-time contribution, regardless of status as a builder. An anonymous donor has offered to match these funds up to $10,000, doubling all contributions made this month. 

As our fiscal year wraps on June 30th, we are busy at work planning how to continue to strengthen our community now and beyond, in our programming, family support, physical space, and financial sustainability. I invite you to join us at our annual State of the Shtiebel meeting in late August to learn more and participate in the conversation.

Thank you, as always, for bringing yourself to this community and for strengthening us along the way. If you have any questions or would like to share feedback about your experience at the Shtiebel, please reach out to me directly, to one of the Community Board Liaisons, or via the Shtiebel Suggestion Box. 

With gratitude,

Rabbanit Dasi Fruchter

Sharona Pearl, Community Board Liaison
Neal Straus, Community Board Liaison
Ariel Platt, Community Board Liaison



Organized by South Philadelphia Shtiebel
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 83-3191074