Curing the Soul: 40 Days

We are asking you to go on a journey leading to knowledge and depth of insight that yields powerful love—love that is in turn the God-centered, potent enzyme for effecting justice, faithfully pursuing racial repair, and becoming a peacemaker. We’ve got work to do but don’t worry, it will occur bit by bit in easy to digest daily sessions. 

  • Focus on key passages of scripture. 
  • Learn that justice is a thoroughly God-centered and biblical concept.
  • Explore the humility necessary to being formed well so we can love well. 
  • Explore the life-changing reality that every human being is made in the image of God. 
  • Learn the justice-requirement of listening and will discover the powerful fruit that listening yields. 

Organized by The Center for Formation, Justice and Peace
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 99-2575520
[email protected]