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191% of $5,000 goal

CWU Football Camp

Help the MG football team make their dreams a reality by supporting their attendance at the Central Washington University football camp from June 15-18!  Each student's participation comes with a cost of $370, but with your generous donations, we can help alleviate this financial burden for families.

By making a contribution for our fundraising campaign, you will be directly contributing to the growth and development of these young athletes.  Attending this camp will provide them with invaluable training, exposure to college-level coaching, and the opportunity to showcase their skills on a larger platform.

We understand that not every family can afford the full cost, which is why we are seeking your support.  Your donation will help ensure that financial constraints do not hinder any student's ability to attend this transformative camp.

Join us in fostering a sense of community and supporting the aspirations of these talented student-athletes.  Your contribution, no matter the amount, will go a long way in amking a difference in their lives.  Together, let's empower these young individuals to reach their full potential on and off the field.  Thank you for your generosity and support!


Organized by Green & Gold Booster Club
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 38-3835523
[email protected]