For Gentry, the sweetest cat I ever met, who showed up at the house the other day. I wish I could give him a good home but I hope this will help him find his forever home.
Heather Washington made a $75 donation
3 months ago
Donation for Mint
Lauren Goodman made a $35 donation
4 months ago
Thank you so much. Y'all are wonderful.
Michael Sinodis made a $100 donation
4 months ago
Makayla made a $25 donation
4 months ago
Thank you for what you do
Madison Pace made a $100 donation
6 months ago
Thank you for you quick help with that sweet kitten. I appreciate everything you do for the babies that need you most
Lana made a $100 donation
6 months ago
So appreciate all the time and compassion of all the volunteers
This is one of the strays you helped. He is now a lap kitty
Anonymous loved this
Belinda Martinez made a $100 donation
6 months ago
For the lil soul that had to be euthanized due to someone shooting it with a BB gun behind the Dale post office :(