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183% of $20,000 goal

PBT Eaton Sangha Support Fund

Here at the Pasadena Buddhist Temple, we are still standing, smoky and charred, but some of our members' homes were not so lucky. The Eaton fire is still not contained, but for now, the fire seems to be moving away from the temple. We have begun the process of contacting our members and are sad to report that several members have lost either their home or business or are evacuated. We have started the PBT Eaton Sangha Support Fund to provide emergency assistance to members who have suffered losses due to the fire. This is a short-term fund drive with an end date of February 14, 2025 so we can get help to our families as soon as possible.  If we find that fire-related repairs to the temple are more extensive than appears, we will launch a second fund-raiser. This fund is primarily to help the families.

In order for 100% of your donation to support the PBT Eaton Sangha Support Fund (with no credit card fees!), please follow these steps:

1. Indicate the amount you would like to donate. Under "Summary" click on the menu and select "I want to cover fees."

2. Under “Add a Tip” set the custom tip amount to "Other" and enter 0 or leave blank.

If you don't want your name to appear on the public-facing campaign page, you have the option to submit your donation anonymously. If you haven't yet submitted your donation, you can remain anonymous by checking the box that says Hide my name or amount from public view before completing your donation. The temple will receive your name.  This option is located on the last page of the checkout flow. You can choose to anonymize/hide the following options:

  • Both your name and amount (by default, both will be hidden if you check this box)

  • Your name (will appear as "Anonymous" on the campaign page)

  • Amount donated

Checks can be mailed to "PBT Eaton Sangha Support Fund", c/o Pasadena Buddhist Temple, 1993 Glen Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91103. Checks should be made payable to: "Pasadena Buddhist Temple". Please put "Sangha Support Fund" in the description.

Follow our website: PasadenaBuddhistTemple or Instagram and Facebook pages (/pasadenasangha) for ways you can help with donations of physical goods or labor.

Thank you for your support.

PBT Eaton Sangha Support Fund Team

Rev. Gregory Gibbs

Shelley Yamane Shinmoto

Jeannie Toshima

Lori Hatakeyama

Kathy Kumagai

Organized by Pasadena Buddhist Temple
[email protected]