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40% of $4,000 goal

Zachary’s Colic Emergency

I can't believe I'm writing this again and that Zachary is colicking again. This poor boy. 

On Friday evening, Zachary had a colic emergency. We rushed him up to Tufts Large Animal Hospital - where he has been ever since. To get some answers as to why Zachary has colicked twice now, he needs a detailed, full ultrasound of his abdomen and for a GI scope. He may have ulcers, or IBD - stones they missed on the regular ultrasound. We need these answers so that we can properly treat and prevent this from happening again!

The cost for the 2 tests is $1150, this is not included in his original estimate - ofa low end of $4000 - which we have not raised in full yet😫

I’m hopeful that we can raise the funds so we can move forward  with these much needed diagnostics!

Thank you for considering! 

Please consider a small donation!


Organized by Riley Farm Rescue Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 82-1862317
[email protected]