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58% of $1,150 goal

Zachary's Medical Emergency

On Friday evening, Zachary had a colic emergency. We rushed him up to Tufts Large Animal Hospital - where he has been ever since.

Zachary has had an ultrasound of his abdomen and a GI Scope. The scope was negative. His abdominal ultrasound showed some thickening in his ileus, so a biopsy was taken and we are awaiting results which we should have next week.

Zachary is STABLE and ready to come home today! I’m sure he’s anxious and missing his herd! 

We need your help with this last ask to get Zachary home - his transport back will be $200 and we still have funds we need to raise for his hospital stay at Tufts which is well over $1000 that we haven’t raised🙁

It’s been getting harder and more challenging for sanctuaries to meet their financial goals - it’s SCARY. 

I’m asking to please consider sharing this and making a small donation - if many people come together, and make just small donations, it adds up quickly!

Thank you for considering! 

Please consider a small donation to help Zachary🙏💛🐴🦓


Organized by Riley Farm Rescue Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 82-1862317
[email protected]