Organized by Neighborhood School
BRAVE LIGHT: Online Viewing Event!
Sun, May 1 12:00 AM – Tue, May 31 11:55 PM EDT
Live Stream
Details to view the event are private and will be sent along with your ticket purchase.
BRAVE LIGHT tells the story of a group of 16 kids in an outdoor classroom in 2035, coming together to imagine a school that thinks differently about punishment and justice. Based on an animated video made by the Neighborhood School 5th-6th grade class in spring of 2021, BRAVE LIGHT imagines a future where things get harder before they get easier, where transformation isn't always about looking forward, but sometimes also about looking back, and where kids' voices are heard. Get ready for drumming, dance, outdoor learning, social media, skateboarding, basketball, conversations about justice, accountability, and repair, learning from Indigenous and pre-colonial ancestors, ecology, artichokes, bad knock knock jokes -- these kids have poured themselves, their dreams, their vision, and their labor into this amazing show. Tickets are available at different donation levels depending on how many people in your household plan to watch, and what level of giving is accessible to you. Please consider donating at the highest level you are able! Recorded on March 18 and 19 at Roxbury Community College by Jesse Epstein. Edited by Jesse Epstein and Monica Cohen.