Luna Adoption

Meet Luna, our friendly spirit who always wants to be right up close with anyone nearby—a fact that makes getting a good photo of her quite the challenge! Known for her affectionate nature and curiosity, Luna’s happiest when she's close to her human friends, often nudging in for a closer look or a gentle nuzzle. Her love for connection brings warmth and joy to everyone she meets, making her a beloved presence at the sanctuary.

For a commitment of $200 a month you may adopt Luna.  The Healing Hooves Adoption Program is different than a regular adoption, because you would agree to cover the monthly care of the horse with a commitment of 12 months.


The monthly amount covers all the basics for the horse, including food, hoof care, dental care, training. If there are further costs, they are covered by the sanctuary general funds. 


By adopting your horse, you will receive a special certificate commemorating the special relationship you have undertaken, periodic photos, private updates, and private visits with your Healing Hooves horse.


Keep in mind, the horse remains under the full and complete ownership of the sanctuary, so that all care and training decisions may be made by the staff. However, the Sanctuary Horse staff will work to facilitate special time between horse and person, if visits are possible.



Organized by Sanctuary Horses
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 92-0778400
[email protected]