Harvest Festival

Campaign Ended

Campaign Ended

campaign cover



Harvest Festival

Thursday, October 27th, 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM PDT

In Person

Trunk or Treat at 3:30 PM Admission includes food & drink for one, DJ, games, contests, arts & crafts.


Campaign Ended

Campaign Ended

Campaign Update

over 2 years ago

Reminders & Thanks

Dear AGM families and friends,

Thank you for supporting the Parent Spirit Committee by joining our annual Harvest Festival. We have planned a fun, exciting and memorable afternoon for you! 

Below are few reminders: 

1. Please check your emails for your purchased tickets and have them ready to be scanned at entry.

2. Please bring cash. (Some vendors are cash only).

3. Bring your own trick-or-treat bags.

4. Costumes should be school appropriate. No scary masks or weapons please. 

We can’t wait to see you all! 

Ari Guiragos Minassian Armenian School logo

Ari Guiragos Minassian Armenian School

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 93-0671548

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