Organized by Friends of Lake Quannapowitt
Annual Dinner and Meeting
Wednesday, May 24th, 5:30 PM EDT
In Person
The Friends of Lake Quannapowitt will hold their Annual Dinner and Business Meeting on Wednesday May 24, 2023 at Bear Hill Golf Club in Stoneham. Dinner and our annual business meeting will be followed by an educational presentation and discussion. FOLQ has invited Dominic Meringolo, Environmental Engineer for Solitude Lake Management, Inc., to present and discuss possible in-lake solutions being used to reduce persistent algae blooms and improve water quality in lakes and ponds. These solutions would complement and provide additional impact to the Town’s current efforts underway to limit nutrients into the lake. 5:30 Cash Bar/Social Hour 6:15 Buffet Dinner 7:00 Business Meeting 7:15 Solitude Lake Management Presentation By attending you will help us achieve our goal to inform and educate the community. Dinner Tickets are $30