Viet Place Collective

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43% of $2,500 goal

Support Viet Place Collective!

Viet Place Collective aims to uplift and uphold the legacy of Vietnamese culture, community, and identity in the DC-Maryland-Virginia (DMV) area for the next generation.

Hi! We're Viet Place Collective, a small group of concerned Vietnamese & Asian Americans who have our roots in the DMV and are passionate about the future of the Eden Center, home to 100+ Vietnamese- and Asian-owned small businesses. The City of Falls Church, Virginia has planned for development in the area that will likely result in rent increases and displacement for business owners, drastic changes in the cultural identity, and gentrification of Eden Center if we don't take action today.
We started organizing at the beginning of 2022 and have accomplished so much already (we transformed a city plan to prioritize anti-displacement and Vietnamese culture!) but preventing gentrification and preserving our cultural hub is a long-term effort. We're currently working to ensure that the City keeps their promises to support Vietnamese small businesses and include our community's voices and needs in the future of Falls Church. Further, our vision encompasses even wider collaboration, cultural advocacy, and community organizing beyond just Eden Center. We need your help and are collecting donations to cover some of our costs to operate and organize. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Materials (such as printing posters and flyers)
  • Group subscriptions (such as Zoom and Canva)
  • Meals, coffee, and snacks
  • Services from others (Such as designers, photographers, and merchandise vendors)
  • Transportation for actions and events
We are entirely volunteer-based and dedicate long hours to this priceless cause outside of our day jobs. A group fund would be one less thing to worry about as we continue to serve our community. Please show your support for our anti-displacement and anti-gentrification efforts by funding Viet Place Collective! You are contributing to our vision of a more equitable future for the Vietnamese community at the Eden Center and beyond. We will share periodic updates on our impact and progress with all of our supporters. Follow us @avietplace on Facebook and Instagram to get the latest updates- thank you!

Organized by Viet Place Collective