Sandy Dog Rescue

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79% of $2,000 goal

Holiday Fundraiser πŸŽ„πŸΆβ˜ƒοΈ Every donation will be matched!!

It's a Christmas miracle!!

A generous donor has offered to match every contribution we receive throughout December! Your donations are crucial to our mission. We operate entirely on donations, and the funds you give allow us to continue rescuing and caring for more dogs. Every dollar goes directly toward essential costs like veterinary care, foster supplies (food, crates, beds, leashes, collars, treats), training and board & train, as well as transportation (gas $!). No donation is too small — every amount is matched, and we are deeply grateful for your support. Thank you for helping us as we continue to search for forever homes for the dogs in our care!

Thank you from us at Sandy Dog Rescue and from Mia, Indie, Soleil, Hannah, Montana, Squeaks, Ziggy, Patches, Toby, River, North, and Fig β€οΈπŸ’šπŸ©΅


Organized by Sandy Dog Rescue
501(c)(3) Private Non-Operating Foundation Β· EIN 93-3216045