When you invest in Black Exhale, you're investing in trauma-informed spaces that honor our collective healing. Your support helps us create sanctuary spaces where the Black body can fully breathe, be witnessed, and practice liberation.

We're building programs and spaces that meet this moment:

- Reparations Café sessions fostering deep Diasporic connections

- Community-engaged installations, activations and exhibitions

- Trauma-integrated healing spaces

- Programs that blend ancestral wisdom with contemporary needs

- Safe spaces for collective repair and restoration

You're investing in future programs like the Reparations Café—a space for group-directed healing discussions rooted in sanctuary and centering Blackness. You're investing in projects that honor our ancestors while building resilience for tomorrow. You're investing in an organization holding the work our ancestors prayed for.

You're partnering with our vision of a world where the collective Black body is loved, witnessed, and unlimited. Your tax-deductible contribution helps strengthen the container to hold this repair work.

Thank you for your donation!


Organized by Black Exhale Inc
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 88-2761375