The "Digital Divide" has been a challenge for schools, students, and families for many years, and the issue has only been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools and students have had to rely even more on technology in this ever-changing learning environment. While this is a complex issue with many areas that need to be addressed, the three focus areas of this effort are hardware/software upgrades, high speed internet and wireless access improvements, and technology training/instruction.
The Chairmen's Advisory Council (CAC) is comprised of professionals who help support Big Shoulders Fund's 72 schools and 20,000 students through volunteering, building mission awareness, helping drive strategic initiatives, and raising critical funds. The CAC has committed to help address this Digital Divide through a peer-to-peer fundraiser to help support these efforts. We hope you will join us in closing this gap, and we appreciate your generous consideration in supporting this mission! Thank you!