Campaign Ended
Organized by Big Shoulders Fund
984 Supporters
Lauren Newmyer
Fundraiser since Dec 2022
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14 supporters
98% of $1,250 goal
Team Members
Kristin Cullinan
94 Supporters
Bobby Largay
92 Supporters
Paul Kelley
51 Supporters
Jack Cate
37 Supporters
43 Supporters
Peter Riley
27 Supporters
Bridgette Groden
32 Supporters
30 Supporters
24 Supporters
28 Supporters
Christine Fox
23 Supporters
Jordan Lemoine
26 Supporters
Kristin Cullinan received a $100 donation from Abbott Laboratories Matching Gifts
about 1 year ago
Lauren received a $300 donation from Grainger Matching Gifts
Jordan Lemoine received a $75 donation from Kristen Lemoine
Thomas received a $100 donation from TransUnion Matching Gifts
Jordan Lemoine received a $259 donation from Adobe Systems Incorporated Matching Gifts
Kenderick received a $250 donation from Apple, Inc. Matching Gifts
Paul Kelley received a $100 donation from Bain Capital Matching Gifts
Tara received a $50 donation from TIAA Matching Gifts
over 1 year ago
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Big Shoulders Fund
A 501(c)(3) Public Charity
EIN 36-3490557